ok so I am thinking that magic will be refined to a choice amount of scrolls and one specials, that will be only equitable once to one person, and usually rare drops. Levels will be hard to do as I will need to set a level on most of the common monsters and how the amount you need to level up will increase, but I have a lot of time so that's all fine and dandy. Still how ever the people get trapped. I was thinking either the internet goes out at the place running the game causing everyone to be trapped in the game. But that leaves me with the questions :couldn't they just wait it out" How do people have to worry about dying? or can't they just reopen the servers to get people out? My second Idea is hackers taking over, who happen to want the same as what's his face from sword art online. But my problem there is that they would have no way of getting to the nerve gear (or what ever I'll call it) to kill people.