[quote=GreenGrenade] Would I be able to make a sort of Amalgalm character? For example, merge Green Arrow with Spiderman? [/quote] You know, amalgam characters never even crossed my mind. It would certainly be interesting but I would prefer not to, just because things might get out of hand and someone might get butt-hurt that I said no to their OP character. I'm not going to stop you from making an amalgam, but if I could make an alternate suggestion that you may also like. You could make a spider-man/green arrow tag team. For example: during a fight have spider-man climb a building, web green arrow and leap off. Green arrow uses spider-man as a counter-weight and gets pulled up onto the building where he gets a bird's-eye-view of the action and can pick off targets from relative safety, meanwhile spider-man swings off to safety moments before hitting the ground and goes off to kick some ass on the ground. But, like I said, I won't stop you as long as he isn't over-powered and you don't use more than two people. [quote=AreYouMyMummy] Could I add Doctor Who? He's not exactly a superhero, but he does save the universe. And do I have to change anything? Reject me if you want to. I may be asking too much. [/quote] Normally I would say that you can use whatever characters you want but I was hoping to go for more of a comic book/superhero movie theme. You know, Thor, Batman, Spider-man, the X-Men. Also as for your other question, no, you are not required to change anything. By some miracle someone in the universe might be untouched by whatever event changes the stories history. Anyway, sorry to both of you for the late reply, today was kind of hectic for me.