[centre][b]Joe Carter[/b][/centre] After spending days in the outskirts of Los Angeles, Scared, always looking behind and with no idea what to do, Joe finally man up and decided to go to Camp Pendleton. He'd hoped his brother would be there, especially since someone told him two days ago that the US military took alot of survivors there. He found a [url=https://www.fastlanecars.com/images/Cars/e6dddcea-f41b-4f59-98c5-802718b4c4f5/fullsize/1.jpg]gray 1994 Lincoln Mark VIII[/url] in very good working condition in the garage of a house and decided to take the vehicle and make his way to Camp Pendleton. Presently Joe was probably about less then an hour of driving away from Camp Pendleton. However he was forced to abruptly stop the car as in front of him lied an immense sea of abandoned cars. Joe gets out of the car, puts his hands on his hips and nods his head in dissaproval. "You have got to be kiding me!" Said Joe, showing a disgusted face afterwards. As he was sitting with his ass on the hood of the car and trying to figure out what to do next, Joe couldn't help but notice something strange in the distance, but he couldn't see it clearly because it was too far away. He gets off the hood of the car, opens the driver's door and grabs his backpack from the passenger seat. After opening the backpack, Joe pulls out a pair of binoculars that he scavenged from a dead Marine. With the binoculars in hand Joe gets out of the car and starts looking through the binoculars as he was adjusting the zoom. He saw a pack of about 5 walkers about to have their way with a redhead girl, leaning against a car. "Oh shit!" Said Joe as he took the binoculars off his eyes, got inside the car quickly, put the binoculars back in the backpack and started the car. Beying the kind-hearted person that he is, Joe wanted to help the poor soul about to get herself eaten alive. After starting the Lincoln, he drove backwards for a few feet and then stepped on the gas pedal, driving forward and steering to the left. The cars weren't blocking the whole road. The left side was still a little free. Joe was driving with the right half of the car on the road and the left half on the ground. He was also paying attention to to hit any trees. WIth his foot on the gas pedal, the car continued to increase in speed as it got close to 90 mph when Joe slammed straight into the pack of walkers as 3 of them flew away, one got underneath the car and had his neck snapped by the wheels and the 5th was hit only slightly as he rolled a little bit and fell on the ground. Joe hit the brakes quickly as he grazed a tree with the right side of his car and hit his right side mirror as it detached from the car and fell on the ground. Turning his vision behind him, Joe reached out to the gear shifter, shifted into reverse gear and started driving backwards as he deliberately hit one of the 3 walkers that flew up in the air, as it was trying to get up from the ground, stepping with one of the wheels on it's head and making it snap like a watermellon. In all that chaos the glovebox opened up, revealing a [url=http://i135.photobucket.com/albums/q139/jad0110/Smith%20and%20Wesson%20Model%20642%2038%20Special/SW642ammo.jpg]Smith & Wesson snub-nosed .38 revolver[/url] and 2 speedloaders next to it. He got out of the car, and despite the fact that he was scared as hell, he got close to one of the walkers that was trying to get up, pressed the barrel of the revolver against it's head and pulled the trigger, killing it. Joe wasn't a good shooter at all, he only knew the basics and his training was next to none. But from that point blank range nobody, not even a newbie like him, could miss. The recoil combined with his lack of training made Joe lose his attention for a second as he dropped the snubbie revolver and started shaking his right arm. In the meantime the other two walkers left were back up on their feet. As Joe leaned down to grab the revolver, one of them grabbed him in an attempt to bite him. Joe fell on the ground as he dropped the revolver again which ended up underneath one of the cars. Joe was now struggling with a walker on top of him and another one just a couple of feet away. Joe stared at the young lady which he was close to die for. "Get out of here now!" He yelled as he was holding the neck of the walker on top of him preventing it from biting him, but it was useless because the other one was close and once he would reach Joe it would be game over.