[quote=AbigailTenshi] Glad you like it ^_^*Stutters* D-does th-this m-mean I-I g-g-get to h-have my f-favourite C-Captain a-around fo-for a-abit l-longer? *Puss-in-boot kitty eyes*Annnnnd ACCEPTED! Honoured member ^_^ [/quote]Fortunately yup and being the strategist that I am(Well all [B]Real Axel[/B] fans pretty much have this in common), I'm going to keep my treasured Miyume active cause I've been working on her backstory all night she's my first Shinigami char ever(Don't know why I'm telling you this cause it doesn't really affect you in anyway)!!! Awww *Pets adorable kitty Abigail* And thanks for accepting him even though he's basically the weakest char in this rp which would probably make people look further into it XD