Alrighty, after recieving the go-ahead from Wolf, I've written up the base of my CS for the Sheriff. I've yet to fill out the relationships, albeit that will be done by the end of the day. [hider=Sheriff Hale] [center][img=][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Edwin Hale [b]Age:[/b] 41 [b]Role:[/b] Sheriff [b]Personality:[/b] [u]Positive[/u][list] [*]Fair/Impartial[/*] [*]Dedicated towards job[/*] [*]Reliable[/*] [*]Welcoming/Greagrious[/*][/list] [u]Negative[/u] [list] [*]Conservative toward change[/*] [*]Obstinate[/*] [*]Pompous[/*] [/list] ---- [center][img=][/center] [b]Biography[/b] [i]Born in Ashenport, die in Ashenport[/i] The Hale family have been in Ashenport for as long as anybody can remember and they've more often than not held the position of sheriff, or a deputy of the sheriff. Specifically, Edwins father was also the Sheriff of Ashenport and it was undoubtedly his father that inspired Edwin to persue a career in law. His childhood was as eventful as one might expect from a town like Ashenport. As a child, there was nothing he wanted more than to leave Ashenport, which is surprising given his current inability to leave it. Edwin was extremely bored for the majority of his childhood, having done everything there was to do in the town, and as a result he would often find himself in the bad books of his father after wandering too far into the woods, or annoying the caretaker by playing around on the hill. Though when he was around six, he had moved on to annoying the rest of the residents by pretending to be a 'secret agent', and pointing his hands in the shape of a gun toward the residents before pretending to arrest them. While they initially made the mistake of playing along which only encouraged him to do it more, they soon grew tired of his antics and simply ignored him. Recognising Edwins boredom, his father spent a few days teaching him how to fish, and Edwin spent the rest of his childhood either in various different academic pursuits, or sitting on one of the piers fishing. He can still be occasionally seen fishing in the present day. Turning 18, Edwin initially left Ashenport in order to attend a more well-known University and obtain a degree in law. Amazingly, he was accepted into the Harvard Law School, one of the most prestigious law schools in the world. That said, he had always achieved highly academically, especially for somebody from a small town such as Ashenport, and his academic achievement was no different in university. Infact, Edwin could have likely applied to law enforcement at federal level had he opted to persue that path, and whilst he certainly considered such an option, there was always something about Ashenport that pulled him back. Unlike other residents that would leave in a heartbeat if given the chance, Edwin has always found a small charm to Ashenport, despite the fact he cannot quite put a finger on what that charm actually is. Whether it's the towns removal from most of society, the quiet and peaceful atmosphere or the view out into the ocean, something will always tie Edwin to Ashenport. Edwin returned to the town with his law degree, having already applied to the Ashenport Sherrifs Dept. whilst still out of town. At the age of 24, Edwin was accepted and began work as a deputy, alongside the then-sheriff of Ashenport, his father. It would be a lie to say that Ashenport is an exciting place, infact, it's probably the exact opposite. There is very little in the way of crime, and the job mainly consisted of attending any particular social events across the town, or simply patrolling the town on-foot and speaking with the residents. Hardly anything like what you would see on shows such as Cops. It was during his time as a deputy that he met Myles Reeves, who would become one of his closest friends. His career continued rather uneventfully, and after a few years, his aging father stepped down. Naturally, he inherited the position from his father when he was 28, and he has held the position ever since. Edwin has attempted to make the job even more 'public' than it already is, and he is seen daily by most residents. He has always wanted to enforce the idea of being a 'member of the community' much like any other resident of Ashenport, and will generally make conversation with anybody he comes across. [b]Nightmare[/b] Edwin has never quite identified [i]who[/i] his nigtmare is, albeit he is able to make out the distinct Sheriffs uniform on the person. The badge is bloodied, the jacket stained with mud and ripped. The figure walks slowly toward him, and whilst it never seems 'hostile', it's very presence is distressing. Edwin has only ever been able to compare the way it walk to that of a zombie, with it's legs appearing disjointed and broken, dragging one foot across the ground. The same goes for the arms, with one arm bent almost completely the wrong way, and the other disjointed in various places. [/hider] [hider=Relationships] [/hider]