Hello! I'm SushiKitten, I go by 'sushi', 'kitten', 'kitty', 'hey you'. I'm from Canada and I am a third year university student studying computer engineering, it's lots of fun. Outside of school I have an interest in robotics and game development. In school last semester, we made a video game from scratch in pairs. It wasn't absolutely amazing, ours was supposed to be like Touhou but really it was pretty much like Space Invaders where the aliens shot back, but I really enjoyed that project and I'm looking at making my own game over the summer using the skills that I learned. Uh, roleplaying wise, I've been roleplaying since junior high. I stopped after high school because it took me a while to get used to university, and the work load was a lot more than I'm used to, but lately I've been feeling a bit down. I want to be creative and draw and write like I used to, but I'm not used to letting it go anymore. All I can do is stare at a blank page or word document. So I'm hoping roleplaying again will help me come out of my shell, creativity wise. But yeah, hope to see you guys on the other boards!