[b]Seeder Threat[/b] The citizens began destroyed anything they could get their hands on, and all the fuel depots on the planet exploded with extreme force, each one destroying an area the size of West Virginia. The troops stationed on the planet took up arms against everything that landed. Missiles were launched down onto the planet by the orbiting ships, destroying as much as they could. Desperate measures have been taken to build up defenses against the Seeders, with every shipyard producing as many ships as physically possible and clones being made to crew them. The training of tractatori has also been put into overdrive, now with a focus on combat applications of their powers. All Federation ships have prepared to jump to other planets that might be attacked, and the AIF has declared a state of war on the scale of planetary destruction. [b]Lance Empire Contact[/b] "Thank you. We will contact Mars and have them send a diplomatic team. Hopefully we can scrape up a few people, most of them are out trying to improve relations with the Equiis Pact and keep them and the Makudan from destroying each other. Oh yes, you will like the new contact that just entered this system, your two nations share an extremely similar social structure." [b]New Contact[/b] A Federation starship has come across a species traversing space is a huge ark, the leader of the species has said that they left their homeworld to escape another species with much greater physical strength. The new species shows many similarities to humanity, but there is significantly less racial diversity, as all of them have dark skin. Another strange trait is that their brains have much larger than the normal human's, giving them a strange resemblance to the "greys" of old human fiction. The AIF has offered to allow them membership and allow them to live on Federation planets, the idea is currently being debated. [b]Peace Talks[/b] The inhabitants of [i]Hépíng jiějué[/i] went about their daily duties, mainly the production of shield systems. While they were pacifists, they needed some way to defend themselves, and thus the incredibly thick planetary shield was constantly being added to. However, as holes in the shield appeared they stopped their work and stared up at it. The Equiis Pact and Makudan ships were arriving, being let through the shield by the orbital shield station. The three ships were brought in to land by the tractor beam emitters at the spaceport, and their crews were met by Dmitri Saveli, the Abh Empress, the Dolphin 'Leading One' (in a robotic avatar, of course), along with Fergus and Emily. "Welcome to the planet of Hépíng jiějué." Began Emily "It is a great honor for this planet to house the negotiations between your two empires. I hope we can find a peaceful resolution to your conflict." The Abh Empress then spoke. "It should be noted that acts of violence are prohibited on this planet, so please do not start fighting. It would result in a rather unpleasant situation."