Lexie's mouth dropped open as she watched the Lincoln take down the Walkers that were trailing her. She had bent down, covering her eyes watching it crash into a tree then reverse and a guy looking to be about her age fall out of the car. She stood back to her height as everything just happened to quickly. He was now on the ground about to get bit. She knew what happened when people got bit or when a pack is on you in seconds, they rip you to shreds. Hearing him scream, a thought never even went through her head. Dropping her bag, she quickly walked over to the him, pointed her M1911 pistol at the Rotters head and fired off a single shot. The Rotter dropped instantly. She then took aim of the one that was coming at them, aimed and fired, watching him/her, she couldnt tell with this one if it were a male or female but it too dropped to the ground. She paused for a few seconds, looking around for anymore Rotters, once she thought they were clear she rushed over to the mans side and bent down next to him. "Oh my god, are you ok?" Man, I would have been toast if you hadn't seen me. Thanks so much." She looked him over, checking to see if he had any bites or scratches. "You seem to be ok," She laughed uneasily, pushing her curls out of her face.