Otto didn't exactly have the time to stop and fully take in what was happening to the base but from what he had seen thus far the place had fallen into chaos. Everyone was terrified, running around screaming for family, friends or simply in pain. It all sounded horrific. Occasionally Otto came across a walker or two, if he could he would simply dodge out of the creatures way but if he couldn't or he had people behind him he would simply draw his weapon up and send a round through it's head. It was around half way down the camp that Otto was stricken with guilt for not caring about anyone else. He suddenly really wanted to go and check his refugee tent. Maybe that's where Johnny had returned to. With his own morals kicking his ass emotionally Otto ran towards the refugee tent in which he and a whole bunch of other people had been living in. Quickly making his way inside he was treated to a sight in which would make anyone's stomach turn. One of the old men in which Otto had seen sleeping in the tent for as long as Otto himself had been was kneeling over a dead body, pieces of flesh hanging from his mouth. Otto didn't understand, how had he been bitten? The walkers weren't this far into camp yet as far as he knew. With his moral magnitude now zapped empty at the sight he simply moved through the tent as fast as he could, putting a bullet into the old man's head as well as the dude in which he was feasting on. Luckily it seemed as if most had gotten the memo and moved the hell out. Following suit Otto finally made it to the other side of the tent and escaped out into the light once again. He needed to go and get his vehicle. Sprinting faster than he had done in a long time he made his way to the civilian vehicle depot. The closer he got the more he thought he heard his name being shouted. In the five or so seconds it took him to close the distance he saw the only thing that could explain it. Johnny was being helped to his feet by a very familiar looking blonde woman, his shotgun a few feet away. Otto wanted to sprint and join up with them but he was struck once again by his morals. The feral horde was closing in and only a few feet in front of Otto was a young man doing his best to drag along a woman. They looked related. Otto couldn't force himself to just sprint on past so instead he just ran up to the two and wrapped one of the girls arms around his neck, the likely sibling having the other one. “Let me help you, we're not gonna make it otherwise... I have a vehicle, a [url=]Toyota FJ Cruiser[/url]. Help me look for it.” Otto spoke, helping move the young woman as much as he could whilst also scanning the vehicles up ahead for his own ride. He hoped Johnny was safe with the women whom had helped him as he finally spotted his vehicle and moved towards it. Taking his keys (one of the few things the soldiers had allowed him to keep) from his pocket he pressed the button and unlocked his vehicle, quickly opening the boot and helping put the lady in the passenger seat before letting the man get into the back seat from the rear and slamming the back shut. Quickly starting the vehicle he slowly made his way out of the lot (being thankful that he was one of the later arrivals to the camp and that his vehicle was rather close to the edge of the lot) and sped up as he drove down the base looking for another way out. “So, what're your names?”