"Still no explanation from the humans." "It has been 1/8 of a cycle, I refuse to believe their system is so inadequate they could not have responded" "And no response on our request" "That is barely consequential. Regardless, we deserve the explanation behind them harbouring an Anti-Kyn" "Affirmed. Advise. Withdraw and prepare the fleets. Get spectre to take over our Synth Infiltrators in AIF space." "Affirmed, truth can not evade us" Lance Empire contact There is the noise of someone preparing to speak, then being interrupted by someone, whispered voices, the sound of someone saying "Affirmative, ending contact" can be heard, and then the ships turned slightly, and then in the blink of an eye there is a flash, and then they are gone Quarantine around Hach space has been broken as the Triarian ships turn and jump away. All military deployments return to Collective space, except those in the far galaxies that are working on expansion