(Reposted and Edited due to Character Issues) A cylindrical object bobbed on the surface of the Bay, it was cracked wide open with what seemed to be a pale cadaver in a deep slumber. The entity's eyes flickered open and proceeded to dilate, "[b]Gah!?[/b]" The boy sat up from the pod, looking around with fear embed in his pupils. His body was in a complete state of discomfort, the cold water and numb-inducing substance mollified his body. [i]Monochrome images winked through his visage, "[b]Pops..[/b]"[/i] The boy tried to comfort himself by cracking a small joke "[b]I never got to finish Martial-Fighters..[/b]" but to no avail, nothing was comical at this point. The cruel hands of sopor released his body, allowing him to stand up. A cajoling familiar voice told him to turn around, that's when he realized that choking odor that clouded his lungs, the water which was sable with pollution, and debris that was still raining from the supernal acreage hanging overhead. "[b]What the-- AAH![/b]" He slumped backwards into the pod, then coming to his feet in a hunkered bearing. A grotesque structure rested in conflagrations aloft the surface of the Bay. "[b]Did I come from that? Holy shit, am I an alien?[/b]" His hands slapped against both sides of his cranium and in a panic he toppled in retrogression once more. His gray globules yearned for closure, and with so he curiously traveled to the wreckage. [i]He was that of a moth ignorantly approaching a light.[/i]