"No!" Scorn yelled throwing a shadow blast at the Syndicate guy but he was gone ",Damn it! I could of had him." She growled annoyed. What had started as a lovely day for her had changed for the worse. Not only wasn't sure allowed to dig her claws at the moment into the ex-conduit, now a norm, she missed an opportunity to get someone who was higher up in the chain of command of the syndicate. She grumbled to herself, cursing underneath her breath. At least on the good side she got to see some other conduits rather then having to seek them out. Some she even recognized as old Curdon Cay prisoners. There was the sand girl, she remembered her because it was one of the first faces she saw when Scorn had been taken to Curdon Cay as well as a few times when taken off to train and be experimented on by Augustine's scientists. She also recognized the girl talking about blood, mostly the face but last time she saw her she seemed sickly pale in the prison and near death. She looked better now though. All those who had been in Curdon Cay seemed easy to recognize and she smiled to herself happily, her anger disappearing nearly instantly [i]Well at least today isn't a total loss, [/i] she thought to herself. Plus it was still morning, things could still get better. She quietly called up her gang telling them to meet her by the billboard that she had come across earlier in the day and be ready for her. She would return the billboard in a few hours, for now though it was time to mingle with her kind and enjoy herself a bit.