Appearance: [url=;_ylt=AwrB8po3clRTfmUAMjuJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTI0dmFuMHIyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZAM1MzYyZWQ2Nzc1ZWFiN2VmMjQ0ZDQxMDBjZWU5OGRkOARncG9zAzEyNARpdANiaW5n?] hazar [/url] Name IRL: Sebastian claypool Name In-game: Hazar Gender: male Class: Knight Stats( keep them a a max of 100 total points) Strength: 10 Dexterity:15 Speed: 15 Defense:25 Endurance:25 intellect: 10 Weapon: uses a dory spear, hooked 6 inch sword and a large rectangular square Amour class: heavy plated Any back up skills: skinning and first aid Bio: A boy with a muscular problem. His muscles easily mold into there largest, but degenerate about as fast as they are made. In a day he can get the amount of weight he can bench press up by five pounds, and in a day of no exercise he would lose 3 pounds. On the day he bought sao he was excited. He played game but in short burst, but one were he really got to become himself he was truly grateful. After an intense work out to make all the ladies think he was a hunk, he got on and realized he got to recreate his character. In a way he was happy when the true news came to him, he was a bit happy. He no longer needed his intense workouts or his fake body, it was a test of his true strength. He decided to tank to lead people to the end of the game.