Since you aren't up for anymore writing, and I think Miso is aslep or busy, you can probably read over the accepted characters to get an idea of Ella's thoughts on 'em. I don't think a relationship sheet is a big priority, but it is something that'd be nice to have. It makes you actually read all the CSes, so you know other people's characters, or at least give you a general idea of 'em (I sometimes have that problem and I understand why someone wouldn't wanna read mine. I overdo them and make them a little on the lengthy side >_< but, I uh, try and make 'em pretty... :( ). *Shrug* I think it's fun and a good way to spend time getting to know characters, specifically your own, before jumping into the RP. :o I don't think I have the power to accept it, but I don't see anything wrong, if that assures you any. :) If you have any questions on how to go about the relationship sheet, go ahead and ask, and I can do my best to answer while Miso is offline. :D