Well students meet your Vice Principal XD. Name: Vice Principal Flockheart Age: 36 Gender: Female Appearance: [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_mnMhnz_wmMs/SyizdN6EpGI/AAAAAAAAA80/qlQX1M6L-Qw/s400/Sexy_teacher_anime.jpg[/img] Element: Darkness Powers: Teresa’s power are quite useful for keeping the students in check. She can use her manipulation of shadows to keep an eye on her students. She can teleport through the shadows and black out the area around her. She finds this is a great way to stop fights between her students. Personality: Teresa is a very kind and considerate person. She always thinks of the actions and their consequences before she acts upon them. She loves all her students and only wants to see them succeed in the life they will have. Though when it is needed she will be stern and implement punishment accordingly. History: Teresa was brought to the academy at the age of 17, but she had all the training she needed from her teachers. She had risen through the ranks of the teaching course in the academy. She was a history teacher before she was promoted to vice principal of the school. She was promoted two weeks after Principle Gunlock was promoted. Familiar name: Sameal Familiar species:[url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apep] Apep[/url] Familiar appearance: [img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs51/f/2009/260/4/8/Apophis_the_destroyer_by_GENZOMAN.jpg[/img] Powers of familiar: Sameal is able to travel through shadow with ease and blend in. He watches over the students when Teresa is preoccupied with her work. He can deliver a venom that paralyzes his target, and can grow to enormous sizes but for only a short time. Other: N/A