[i] You've got to be kidding[/i] Kaji thought to himself as a small child defused the situation. This was absolutely pathetic. He rested his bloody blade on his shoulder, not wanting to sheath it just yet. As the band of bandits came to realize just how wrong they had been in coming to this village fate intervened. Regardless Kaji was far from empathetic, he was sickened by the sorry display. kudos to the kid for bravery and all but Kaji preferred to exist in reality. its a kill or be killed world, esspecially these days. those who threaten the safety of anyone weaker than them are trash and should be disposed of. Kaji had no issue playing that role, but it seems other people did. it was a good thing he never signed up to be one of their heros. At this rate as soon as the bandits left, assuming they left the way they came, they would be easy prey for the demons not to far from the village. The ones that were still waiting for him to come back with orders.