[hider=Jared]Name: Jared Edwards Gender: Male Age: 16 Race: Skin Walker Rank: First year student Personality: Jared is an easy going kid. He has been called lazy by his parents and almost every teacher he has ever had because he spends most of his time looking out the windows or skipping school to hang out with friends, though after moving to this new place he has none. BRIEF History: Jared was born on a reservation in New York and moved around with his family a lot because a lot of people were afraid of a family of skin walkers. He was never much of a fighter, preferring to talk his way out of tough situations or just run even though he did learn martial arts from a young age. (I didn't want to give too much away, let me know if this needs more) Description: Jared is 5'8" tall and weighs about 140 pounds. Jared is Native American so he has light brown skin, jet black hair and brown eyes. He wears jeans and T-shirts most of the time and won't leave home without his necklace. Weapon of choice: Jared likes to use hand-to-hand combat rather than a weapon. Abilities/Powers: He is able to transform his body into any animal he wears the hide of. He currently carries with him a rabbit's foot, a rattlesnake's rattle and some crow feathers on a necklace. Other: Jared is often fond of using his ability to scare or otherwise prank people, often getting himself, and his family, into trouble with regular humans and causing most of his families moves from one town to another.[/hider]