[B][U]Chiasa introduces herself to Ayame and Grandfather[/B][/U] Chiasa had finished with the man and sat back with a sigh. She heard the young healers address her saying [B]"I have to apologize. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Ayame. I live here with my grandfather. He is the healer of this village."[/B] The old man Ayame indicated smiled saying [B]"Hello, young lady." "I'm trying to learn the craft so I can take his place one day..." "I'm getting old. It makes me glad that my granddaughter decided to follow my footsteps. Healers are always needed. Especially in these dark times."[/B] Then Ayame added quickly [B]"We could use another healer like you. Why don't you live here, with us? I'm sure nobody would mind, isn't that right, Grandfather?"[/B] To which the old man agreed [B]"Oh, not at all! I certainly wouldn't mind a pretty young lady such as yourself living under this roof."[/B] And Ayame quickly added [B]"Perfect! So what do you think? The least we can give you is a warm meal and a bath. I'm sure there is still some left."[/B] Chiasa smiled covering mouth with her right hand to prevent giggling like a young girl but could not hide the amused sparkle in her eyes.. She took a deep breath and bowed formerly to the two an said [B]"I am Takenaka Chiasa and it is my pleasure to have assisted you this day"[/B] Chiasa's tone was formal but her wide smile displayed her affection for her two fellow healers. Her accent was strange but Chiasa's skills as an experienced healer unmistakable. Why she was not already the Healer of another village or practicing in a city a stranger mystery.