Hopefully my app is okay. If not, just tell me what I need to change, and I'll get on it. Nation: The Kingdom of Romania Leader: King Vlad I of the Romanians History: Romania entered the Great War with the guarantee of Russian support. For a while, they received just that, managing to push into Transylvania, occupying it for a short while. Meanwhile, down South on the Bulgarian front, things weren't going as well. The Russian aid had managed to secure the Romanians Transylvania, but when aid was requested in the South, Russia refused, leaving Romania and Bulgaria to fight a bloody war, with no ground gained on either side, and the death toll rising and rising. When Russia backed out of the fight, Romania tried to follow suit. A peace with Bulgaria was secured, but the Austro-Hungarians would not accept it until Romania returned Transylvania, which it refused to do. With it's guardian to the East no longer keeping it safe, the war in Romania quickly escalated. With no aid, and backed into a corner, Romania fought hard for years, eventually agreeing to surrender, unable to withstand the Austro-Hungarian armies alone. The state was quickly occupied, and Romania was added to the list of conquered Balkan states. A few years later, when Austria-Hungary began to waver, a large group of Romanians revolted, clearing the enemy out of their lands, Transylvania included. Unable to send forces to deal with Romania at the time, a peace was achieved, and Romania finally had it's victory. At the end of the war, Romania secured it's Northern border, fearing the actions of the now-free Hungarian state. Like everyone else, Romania had suffered greatly, and their deaths totaled an entire 12 percent out of the entire Entente. They gained their territory, but at a grave cost. Cleanup after the war went as planned, and there were no border incidents with Hungary or Bulgaria. After the oil wells were repaired, money began to flow into the country once more, providing the lifeline the country needed. When Yugoslavia formed, Bulgaria and Romania entered into a shaky alliance, in which they would only aid each other if the Yugoslavians decided to expand. This alliance was strengthened when Hungary attempted to invade Ukraine, and even more so when Ukraine formed a Union with Poland. As far as economy goes, Romania thrives on it's diamond and jewelry industry, but more so it's automotive industry. In the mid 1950's, there was a boom, and Romanian cars became extremely popular in Eastern Europe. While this was a surprise, it was quickly taken advantage of, and has remained a major source of income to Romania since. Following the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, many refugees ended up in Romania, since most of it's neighbors weren't too friendly with Turks, being former holdings of the empire. While it seemed harmless enough at first, it has led to a major homeless problem within the country, to the point that Romania has had to begin turning away people looking to live there. While still far from a powerful country, Romania is doing quite well for it's part of the world. The King is beloved by the majority, and most people outside of the Turkish transient camps have all the necessary resources to live a decent life. There is a small ring of organized crime in the country, but it doesn't cause enough problems to be seen as a major threat, and the police force is competent in it's work to stop those involved.