Ford kicked him again. A little harder this time. He was livid, first the Syndicate threatens him but then to add the insult to injury. They deny him of his bounty. He always had plenty of money since he never to worry about paying rent or bills of any sort. Yet it was the principal of the matter... Or so he told hmself. The day was still young and plenty of time for a rebound. He did however heart the Starbucks girl mention The Cinder. He could use a drink right now. It wasn't even noon yet and he was well in his way to forgetting this day had ever happened. Not exactly the worst idea with a meryd of men out for your blood. All of them working for a creepy shadow organization bent in stealing the one thing he took great pride in. His powers as conduit. "Well the girls got a point a drink would be lovey. I'm out of here before anyone shows up asking questions." Ford turned the corner and started looking for a suitable car hood that he borrow for ride. He loved the older vehicles most, the ones made from pure metal. It was much easier controling and the added weight meant he could be a little more careless while traveling at the ground level.