Placeholder for the character I plan to play. Nicholas Lyons, [s]the Line Producer [i](AKA, the liason for the studio sponsoring the film, as well as managing the Human Resources aspects)[/i][/s] [indent]He'll be an Actor instead, seeing as we seem to be lacking some actors[/indent] [hider=Nicholas Lyons] [center][img=][/center] [center][img=][/center] ---- [center][b][u]Name[/b][/u] Nicholas Lyons [b][u]Gender[/b][/u] Male [b][u]Age[/b][/u] 31 [b][u]Position[/b][/u] Actor [b][u]Appearance[/b][/u] Nicholas has never been particularly fussed about how he looks, though this is not to say he dresses raggedly. In fact, the reality is very much the opposite. Money isn't much of a concern for Nicholas, and that is instantly clear through his clothing, as he is often seen wearing high-quality suits and clearly expensive watches. Yet despite the quality of clothing, he doesn't put much thought into what he wears. He likes to look what he would classify as 'smart', which is usually a shirt and regular suit-pants. His hair is rather rugged, with the morning routine usually being to simply run a hand of gel through his hair and hope for the best. His beard is also roughly trimmed, being somewhere in-between stubble and a short beard. ---- [img=] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] Nicholas is very much one of those people you either love, or near-violently hate. He adopts a cynical, if not slightly comedic outlook on life, often heard making sarcastic and witty observations throughout the day. He enjoys satire and poking fun, though some would call it provoking, at the rest of the crew. Most who know him generally understand that his cynical comments or observations are not deliberate attempts to insult, albeit merely a means to get a few laughs. Though of course, there are some who would rather he simply shut up. He is noticeably down-to-earth, something relatively odd for a hollywood celebrity. There is never an aura of importance, or stardom, surrounding him despite the high-end clothing he wears. While Nicholas is very much involved in the lifestyle surrounding hollywood [i](Parties, photo-shoots, papparazi..)[/i] there is never anybody who feels intimidated or on-edge whilst beside him. He is...abnormaly normal for somebody of such a status within hollywood. Accompanying his humour, he has an extremely lax attitude toward life in general. If you give him some time and a task, he'll do everything he can but the specific task given to him. It's not as though he wants to be obstructive, and he will always complete the task to a generally high-standard after some time. He simply refuses to stress himself out, and while his laid-back attitude can provide a well-needed break from the chaos of a movie set to some, to others he is simply a distraction that won't go away. However, on the whole he does have a seemingly natural charm, be it his larger-than-life grin, or witty comments that can't help but put a smile on your face. He has a confident demeanour, albeit he has never been one to focus on himself, he's always found the stories of others to be far more interesting. He is a socialite at his core and thrives on social interaction, never being one to shy away from conversation with those around him. ---- [img=] [b][u]Biography[/u][/b] Nicholas has never known hardship, being born in Vancouver, Canada in 1983 and his family can be traced back to France, which is unsurprising given his surname. His father, Alexander Lyons, is something of an on-screen legend, starring in many of the black-and-white features iconic of the 20th Century. There is no doubt that it was his fathers fame and success that inspired him to follow a career in film, and his father had always geared him toward a career in the entertainment industry. His earliest memories are being toured around various movie-sets on the shoulders of his father, and he can remember being fascinated with the surreality of it all. The various scenes being shot, the actors caravans, the cafeteria..He fell in love with all of it. He did not attend public or private school, his parents instead opting for a private-tuition in order to protect their son from the somewhat ferocious media, and the many 'fake friends' he would likely encounter at a school. He achieved highly academically, much like his older siblings who had the same private-tuition as him. Yet whilst his siblings went on to complete higher education, Nicholas opted out, instead applying to attend the Vancouver Film School. His passion for film had not outgrown him, and he knew from the moment he joined the Film School that he had made the correct choice. Specifically, he took a one-year course rather blunty called the 'Acting for Film & Television Program'. The course focused on the essentials of what was required to make it in the industry, albeit he knew he would require more development before he would be able to have a chance in the brutal industry of entertainment, Likely through his surname alone, he was accepted into the 'Italia Conti Academy'. He wasn't quite sure what drew him to that specific academy, albeit he had always had a slight curiosity into Itallian Culture, and seeing as the academy was certainly respectable, he decided to simply 'give it a go', which are the exact words he used to convince his father of the move. He fell in love the with the country, it's landscapes and it's people. In fact, after attending the academy for only two of the expected four years, he simply spent the other two travelling Italy. Though he can never explain specific memories of his time in Italy, whenever questioned about his love for the country, his response is generally 'everything', no matter the question. To this day, he owns an Itallian Villa which he uses as a retreat of sorts, should he ever desire a break from the 24/7 lifestlye of celebrity. Returning to Vancouver, Nicholas got himself his first major film role at the age of 23. The film was called [i]'HIVE'[/i]. The film was a remake of the original novel called 'H.I.V.E' [i](Standing for Higher Insititute of Villainous Education)[/i]. He was cast as the secondary protagonist, and the film was a relative success. It spiralled into a trilogy, roughly following the original novels. Nicholas appeared in two out of the three films, playing arguable the second-largest part until his character was killed toward the ending of the second film. The series found success amongst younger audiences, and won Nicholas several awards, with his career continuing on naturally after the two films. To name a few of the films he has starred in; [i][b]-[/b] Out there[/i], a psychological-thriller sci-fi revolving around human nature and our journey to the stars. It took inspiration from 2001: A Space Odysey. He won the Academy Award for Best Actor for this film, and the film itself was a nominee for Best Picture. [i][b]-[/b] Home[/i], a family drama based on an original novel. [i][b]-[/b] Fantastic Voyage[/i], a modern remake of the 1966 sci-fi classic. Directed by Paul Greengrass. He has since appeared alongside the 'big names' in Hollywood, and has been very active in the industry. His career has been scandal-free thus far, and he somehow manages to deflect attention from the press away from him, though he is more than happy to appear on chat-shows, which he enjoys thoroughly. Nicholas has come across well in the public eye, and has yet to star in any major flop though he knows his time will come sooner or later. He has only recently returned from the set of another movie soon to release, before joining the current production. ---- [img=] ---- [b][u]Miscellaneous[/u][/b] - [url=]His Itallian Retreat[/url] - [url=]His father, screen-legend[/url] - Has won 2 Oscars [i](Best Actor & Best Supporting Actor)[/i] and 1 BAFTA - Has never been in a 'proper' relationship[/center] [/hider] [hider=Relationships] [b][u]Luke Clemens[/b][/u] [i]"He seems like a nice kid. Kid. I dunno' where he learned the art of directing a film, maybe that's what he was doing when he dropped out of the public eye entirely. I think I've seen one or two of the films he's been in, granted I can't really remember anything about them which isn't a particularly promising sign. I know he's a teenage hearthrob of some sort, don't really know much about him aside from that. At least if this film utterly fails we can just stick him in shirtless somewhere and get his teenage fans to come and see it, so that's a plus."[/i] [b][u]Maximillian Harrison[/b][/u] [i]"He reminds me of superman, or some sort of action man...but slightly dumber. I mean, he's confident at least, but I don't really want to get within a hundred yards of him if he's handling anything, and I mean anything, that could hurt somebody. I'll take my chances doing as many stuns myself as I can. That said, he's a nice enough guy. I'm not sure how well he takes my jibs about being closer to death than anybody else when I stand next to him, but hey, it makes me laugh."[/i] [b][u]Harris Klein[/b][/u] [i]"This guy probably worked with my dad, or at least was watching the films my dad was in when they came out. He's kinda' like the veteran of the set, old-guard. He always looks slightly grumpy, and it's fun to watch the ultimate smackdown between him and Amy. Is it bad that I try to get the two as close to each other as I possibly can? I don't know how I'd pass the hours without a good argument to watch."[/i] [b][u]Jake Wilson[/b][/u] [i]"I like the guy, and he damn-well knows his stuff. I don't really have much to say about him, but I swear I've seen him on some YouTube videos. I'll have to look into that. Oh, that reminds me, I'm sure he gave that young PA gifts of some sort, and I don't think he did that for anybody else. Or, at least, he didn't do it for me. I mean, best of luck to the guy, and I can see why he wants to try his luck with her, she's good-looking."[/i] [b][u]Phoebe J. Collins[/b][/u] [i]"She's the one that's always sprinting around the set, yeah? Yeah, she's good fun, and seeing her sprint around with a whole set of props flying all over the place is bloody hillarious. The production wouldn't quite be as lively without her, and I'm glad she's here. Not particularly spoken to her all that much myself but she seems to share the idea of taking life as it is and simply taking it easy, which is a welcome sight given how stressful some of the other people on this set are."[/i] [b][u]Leo PNB Xavier[/b][/u] [i]"Don't really know him at all. He's a costume designer, so he's bound to be wacky, they all are. Actually, he kinda' reminds me of a vampire, allergic to the sunlight with like, properly black hair. I bet he goes all glittery in the sun, or is that only what happens on Twilight?"[/i] [b][u]Amy Ho[/b][/u] [i]"I love watching her argue with Harris. The funniest part is, from what I've observed, they always seem to be agreeing with each other while screaming the socks of off each other. She's the script supervisor, if I recall correctly, and she certainly fits the role. I try to keep out of her way, but there's one thing I know about her, she is literally a coffee monster. Why Guiness World Records haven't showed up to interview her I don't know, but I'm thinking of entering her in on her behalf, it's not like she'd lose. [indent]She reminds me of a headmistress of sorts, as I like to take things slow, and she bloody well doesnt. I've found myself hiding from her on more than one occasion.[/indent][/i] [b][u]Vyacheslav Piotr Zolnerowich-Wahlstein[/b][/u] [i]"Can he speak, or is he mute? I honestly don't know. He's a nice enough guy, but I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy poking fun at him. I mean, it's just harmless banter. He just seems so down all of the time, he needs to lighten up. I think he's one of those guys, who if pushed, will go absolutely ape-shit. Yeah, he's definitely one of those guys, and that's why I just cant help but give him a little push every now and then, just for a bit of fun. The quiet ones always tend to be the craziest. [indent]That said, he's an absolute wizard when it comes to acting, there's no denying that. I remember reading about his divorce, the hacks were all over it. A shame really, and I think that divorce is a perfect example of why I'd rather stay out of the whole lovey-duvy business."[/indent][/i] [b][u]Max Goldstein[/b][/u] [i]"He's friendly. Almost too friendly for a businessman. I mean, I'm sure he has the best intentions at heart, but whenever I see a businessman trying to be friendly, it just makes me uneasy. I'm not sure if he likes me at all anymore, though. When we first met, I remember making some joke along the lines of, 'If only that money could buy you friends.' [indent]Maybe he's forgotten about it. I bloody hope he has, and it was a harmless joke after all."[/indent][/i] [b][u]Addison Matthews[/b][/u] [i]"She's cool, and she has a good sense of humour. She, unlike some others on the team, appears to appreciate and understand sarcasm, which is a big plus. The few times I have come across her she's been good to chat with, and I'm sure I'll see her around. I actually feel a degree of sympathy for her. I can't imagine what it must be like if you're assigned to Amy. Come to think of it, that must be why I saw her holding coffee all day.[/i] [b][u]Ella Lindgren[/b][/u] [i]I actually quite like her, and I've thankfully not had the 'pleasure' of getting in her bad-books. I saw her chewing out some poor sod who clearly had recieved such a pleasure, and so I made sure to keep any comments to myself when I spoke to her. I get the feeling she wouldn't appreciate my humour, which is fine, I guess. I will admit that I do love watching the poor sods in her bad-books being put down by her, it's just fun to watch. Like Amy and Klein. Actually, watching her 'disagree' with somebody is comparible to a traffic-jam. It's good fun to watch the traffic-jam, so long as you aren't in it. [/i] [b][u]Leila Fox[/b][/u] [i]"I guess I have a bit of a soft-spot for her. I've never heard of her, though since we're going to be working together I did a quick google-search. She's relatively new to the industry, so I guess that's why I have a bit of a soft-spot. I've spoken to her a few times, though it was a pretty one-sided conversation and there's only so much I can talk about. But hey, I can understand, it's pretty surreal and nerve-racking on your first 'big' film. That's probably why she seems so shy, but by the end of this film, she'll be talking non-stop, I guarantee it. [indent]I watched some of clips of her acting as well, and she's talented for sure. I'll just have to try and make her feel a bit more at ease around here.[/indent][/i][/hider]