The day was warm and bright, the air was sweet with the first tantalising hint of spring in the air as the lord’s daughter stood in her room staring out onto the clear sky and smiling in anticipation of the festivities ahead. She was still clothed in her nightgown as she stood at the large bay windows that opened out onto her balcony, it was normal for her to take a few moments before allowing her ladies in, it was during this time that she could just think, just be herself. Then there was a soft knock on the door leading to her ladies rooms and she was brought back to the reality that she was Seraphina Oralia Cadenza De’Vance daughter of Lord De’Vance. Since her mother’s untimely death a few years ago Seraphina had been lady of the household and responsible for overseeing the smooth running of it. Again the knock came but this time a soft call followed it. “My lady Serafina, you will be behind in your day if we do not attend you soon.” She sighed but with a small smile, turning away from the window she looked back at her lavish bedroom. It was a pretty large room that was bright, airy and richly furnished, her four poster bed with crimson hangings, the vanity table made of polished mahogany complete with a large, expensive mirror and all the furs and tapestries that lined the walls kept the warmth in and the stones chill at bay. “You may enter.” Seraphina called to the ladies outside her door. Three ladies entered the room meekly, dressed neatly in long gowns in shades of russet, tan and amber, winter shades that Seraphina would be glad to see the back of. They began the morning routine of preparing their lady for court, bathing her and preparing her gown, while they worked her ladies talked about the preparations that needed to seen to for the festival. They helped her into a long dress of deep blue made from soft angora wool and trimmed with satin, silver thread and a spray of small fresh water pearls. The dress fit her perfectly, she had a statuesque form, willowy and slender she stood slightly taller than most women thanks to her father’s stature. Moving to the vanity table Seraphina took a seat on the small, cushioned stool and looked at her reflection in the large mirror while her ladies began fussing with her hair, running a comb through her locks. Seraphina loved her hair it was long and fell in soft curls down to her lower back, it was also the colour moonlight reflecting on snow, she had been silvery blond since she was born and had never darkened. Her attention then turned to her face appraising every feature, a straight nose, large violet eyes framed with dark lashes and small pink lips; she had skin the colour of alabaster and was not prone to blush like many young women. All in all she had a fair, soft complexion that matched her colouration, she was considered the jewel of the region and at court she was flattered and adored by all, much to her delight. Once her hair was piled atop her head in an elaborate coil of braids and her forehead bedecked with a circlet of intricate golden swirls set with sapphires and opals she was ready to attend her duties and face the day. Her first port of call would be to attend to her lord father who would be in session for the morning’s council and to know if he would need her aid for anything or else she should follow her own itinerary. Standing swiftly Seraphina made her way from her room and through the halls to the main hall, she was slightly behind schedule however it was not important, it was rare that her father would ever truly need her. Making her way quietly into the hall with her ladies following a pace or two behind her Seraphina came to stand beside her father, however the atmosphere in the hall was not as normal, to her surprise her entrance had gone unnoticed. “Father?” Seraphina spoke softly not wanting to startle.