It was about 7:30 am as Jon was awakened by a phone call from his agent Harv. Jon didn't even need to look at the ID as he picked up the phone and said, "Yes Harv I was stone cold sober when I jumped in the pool last night. From what I understand it was the highlight of the party too." Harv asked, "Just what were you thinking when you did it?" Jon replied, "That the smell of chlorine and other pool chemicals was sadly lacking in my tux It was bit on the cold side but very refreshing otherwise." Jon chuckled at that and so did Harv who said, "Well Jon I hate to throw more cold water on you, but I got the contract from Warners last night concerning 'Bound By Blood' it's not good Jon." Jon sat up in bed and said, "Explain not good to me Harv." Harv replied with a deep breath, "Jon they have so many clauses and loop holes in it that they can pull the plug at any second on the whole project. I've looked it over with my legal team and we say this contract is a death warrant to this project. They still get 'Aquaman' and you get a project that can be shut down at a second's notice for just about any reason. I've moved Heaven & Earth for this deal Jon and I hate it." Jon shook his head and said, "They're trying to sabotage this thing anyway they can." Harv replied, "Sabotage? Jon they're trying to avoid this thing ever seeing the light of day. In my opinion this leads back to Wes. I showed everyone involved in terms of cast, writers, directors and they love him. Hopkins texted me three words; 'That's my son!" Mirren called me and said, 'Let's film it now.' The studio didn't like the fact that you held your ground on this and pretty much showed them up with 'Aquaman'. However we are not out of options." Jon said, "Harv burning Warners to the ground is not an option. As tempting as it is." Harv chuckled and replied, "Let's keep that option on the table. No I contacted all the key principals in the cast and crew and they are on board with a six week delay. While Universal gets everything up and going." Jon said, "Universal? Six weeks? Harv it's going to take at least three months to get it all together if not longer." Harv replied, "Not really. They have a lot of equipment and sets that can be retrofited our crew has already made that clear. Universal is willing to give us 50 million more in the budget, with the budget increasing by 25 million more for the next two. They are committed to this franchise, and for you they want 4 more pictures from you alone. Not to mention they want you to develop and shepherd their next franchise. They know sooner or later 'The Fast & The Furious' & 'Bourne' franchises will start to fade out, and they want the next one ready to go." Jon asked, "What franchise?" Harv replied, "Flash Gordon. They want you to be the Godfather of this franchise. They saw what you did with 'Aquaman' and they loved it." Jon shook his head and asked, "Have you seen the contract?" Harv replied, "Seen it? I'm holding it in my hands, and when we're done talking I may hang it on my wall and sacrifice a virgin to it. This contract Jon is what every agent and manger dreams of. Since Wes is not officially he doesn't have input technically. However knowing what you went through to make this happen with him; I'm gonna leave that call with you." Jon said, "All-right tell Warners they lost this franchise and call Universal tell 'em they won. Let me get dressed and I'll get in touch with Wes's agent." Jon hung up the phone and called Wes's agent and told him to have him call Jon, and that this was an emergency situation.