Victor watched as some of the survivors made it safely in to vehicles and sped off, but he also saw many who didn't make it. The gunfire was dying down at this point, and mostly he only heard screaming now. He struggled to keep pace with Ed, but he fell behind and Ed reached the car pool first and headed towards his black minivan. Victor quickly glanced over his shoulder and was relieved to see there were no corpses giving chase at the moment. It looked like they were going to be part of the handful of lucky ones who made it out alive. As he reached the van, Ed was standing there with both of the passenger side doors open. "Stop standing there and get the damn van started! I can get in fine!" Ed raced around to get in the driver seat and Victor hopped out of his wheelchair. He quickly folded it and shoved it in the back door, then dragged himself to the front door. He put one hand on the seat and the other hand on the door and hoisted himself inside. Just as he was lifting himself up, he saw a corpse appear next to the driver side window, which was rolled down at the moment. "Ed! The window!" Ed turned around in shock as the corpse reached through the open window and grabbed at him. Unlike Victor, Ed had never been a soldier. He had no combat training of any kind and just flailed wildly to try and keep the thing away from him. Victor hurriedly finished hauling himself in the van and reached for the small pistol he carried. He had to wait a few seconds to get a clear shot, with all of the moving around that Ed was doing. But when he saw an opening, he took advantage of it and made the shot count. The corpse jerked backwards and tumbled to the ground as blood poured from it's head. "Whew, thanks." Ed said, visibly shaken. "That was too close!" "Just roll up your fucking window and start driving! Follow the rest of the vehicles out of here. I don't know where to go, but that's all we can do right now." As Ed began to drive, Victor calmed down a little bit. The world was going to hell, but they were safe for now. There had to be something they could do, he just wasn't sure what it was yet. He looked over at Ed, whose hands gripped the steering wheel tightly and eyes were bugged out from what just happened. Victor froze as he noticed something that made his heart sink. There was a fresh, bloody scratch on the back of Ed's neck.