Peace talks The Argutus member, after no short amount of delay (As it seemed he disagreed of him being stripped of his Gauntlet, though eventually gave in and handed it over) arrived in the meeting room, just in time to hear the last part of the Equestrians and the Makudan speaking. While it seemed they had just averted a war, they were still at each others throats "Rivers change course over many lifetimes, and eventually all bridges tumble down." He said "Your people are the waters, and your Empires are the Bridges. Everyone changes, and every empire falls into ruin and ashes. If we make endless wars, cycle after cycle, then song could be cut short very soon... When the music stops, we all fall down. And yet here you are, even after averting the war, you are at each others throats. I wonder, now long will this peace last?" He turned to the Makudan "How long until you do something else to give the Equestrians an excuse to raise the knife? Do you have the restraint to last more than a cycle?" He turned his eyes back to the Equiis ambassador "How long until you jump at the chance to launch another war? You always make us wonder, is war in your blood?" He glanced to Fergus and Emily "And the Hero's of the hour. The wise humans who brought the war to a close before it even began. The wise humans who know more than they are credited for. If they had not... we would have had to step in." The Argutus took a few more steps forwards, glaring at the Makudan and the Equiis in turn "Yes, as you say, continuing to discuss such things. First, let it be known I care not what you own, nor what your powers are. I care not how large your military is nor how strong your weapons are. If you believe yourselves large and powerful, then you shall start acting like it. If you believe you have such powers, then it is your responsibility to use the powers properly." He turned his head and his gaze softened, this time he spoke to everyone present, but his voice was dark "I do not think I make any overestimation, when I say every power represented in this room has the capability to destroy any target nation they please that are known in the universe. Each of us holds great power, and with that power comes responsibilities we cannot shirk from. With that in account, and to avert any further wars, the Collective proposes a universal law that all nations must abide to, or face judgement. This way, what can and cannot be done will be laid out clear for all. Since you all believe yourselves powerful, then I suggest you join with us and ensure these laws are followed. Should you agree, then the first matter would be deciding what those laws would be."