[img]http://i.imgur.com/weQcz7P.png[/img] All of the tricks Ace saw were mesmerizing and had the girl in excitement. Was it [i]really[/i] true that she could only keep [i]just one[/i]? Or was that a...friendly suggestion? It could've been a friendly suggestion, so it would've been terrible to miss her opportunity. But, being able to save a plate full of pastries after Vinvin's performance she was a little occupied. "Want some?" She offered Lesley a few pastries, seeing that he..er, she? No, no, definitely a he- seemed to like them so much. She ate those while watching the next few "performances". Haku's was mesmerizing and funny all at the same time. He seemed so skilled with the magical gift he was given in such a short time. The humor of it was seeing Vin fall flat on his butt. She couldn't help but laugh. Seeing Riley's fire skills made her sliiiightly jealous. Yeah sure she had a sword, but she had an entire flame element. Once all the snacks on the plate were gone, she realized everyone had taken their turn and none of the jewels were left. "Aw man..." Ace mumbled with a soft sigh before setting the plate down with the other bit of mess. She decided to play with her firesword again- but then immediately stopped when she heard she'd probably die if she kept using it. "Well dang..." She put the sword up and looked at her amulet. The energy was already half full. "Glad ya said something." Ace laughed a little and put the empty hilt away. She laughed lightly when Leon was given the Queen's crown. That was pretty generous of her. Hmph, it was a nice crown too, and really shiny. The group shifted out the castle, and as usual, Ace nudged Jasper and Harper forward so they wouldn't get left behind. Soon enough, not quite paying attention on why, (eventually someone would inform her on the things besides meeting dragons) Ace was following the group to... "A CAT BUS!" She jumped up, rushing towards it. "Does this thing eat people?" Well, that didn't matter to her. She would jump on with the first few people. Not before petting said cat bus and enjoying the soft fur. She didn't realize the guide... What was her name? Began barking orders until she realized everyone lining up. "Someone's a bit grouchy..." And like normal, all Ace's questions were answered. They were going to fight dragons and the girl's name was Zephy. "I don't know about you guys," Ace giggled moving past the line. "But I'm going inside!" Before she bounded in, Ace looked behind her. "Heh, you might wanna hold your breath. It smells bad!" With that, she was inside and took a window seat. "Off we go! To Tobi's castle!" Noticing Vinvin's complaints she smirked. "For a tough guy, you sure aren't acting like it. It's just a bus, calm down would ya?" She laughed lightly and waited for the others, still a bit hyperactive because of the sweets.