"I've had enough on seeing this non sense" "Hush now, the end to this drama will near shortly" [b]AIF Ship[/b] A few feet away from their coversation, a great white flash blinded the boy temporarily. He turned to his right, where the flash appeared, and saw what appeared to be a Domi Hach. "Child.." said the Hach "How did you get here" "Remember your thoughts, boy. What did you want to ask" "Wha-" "The gods, boy! The gods!" said the Hach. The boy's eyes grew slightly "Shad.." he said. "You've seen the end of this trouble. Give me your blessing" "Why me?" "Just give it, you will learn in time what your purpose is. I can only explain so much to you, boy" "I give my blessing?" "Mean it!" said Shad "I give- I give my blessing" repeated the boy, in a serious tone. Shad turned to the Dolphin "Bring a fleet to Commune, home of the Comu Haches. They will need it" [b]Commune[/b] Dusk hit the enormous flying machine that the Empire called their (like always- temporary) capitol. It's name was Commune, like the planet, and it was home to some of the most advanced machinery Zonan had to offer to the world: The Undergrounds, Gult missiles (as their much deadlier relatives, gultra/gultron missiles are too powerful for land wars), the advancement and power of the Elles gem, and all the creations that are made from it. Labs working on the planet have only recently recorded new advancements with the Gem, turning its energy into a weapon, something not mentioned to the public or even the tyrannical Trinity. In fact, the files were hidden in case the team wanted to use them later, stored in a cabinet located in one of the scientists' home. The peacefulness of the city at the dead of night. Patrols roamed the streets, rounding up any Domi or Bunta Hach that wandered past curfew, and executing them in the back of their trucks. The patrols comprised mainly of Comu Haches, but when a Comu Hach was caught, they were usually returned to their house and fined heavily. They couldn't take any chances with the "radical Haches" but the Comus were needed for the more important jobs. One patrol began to roam the avenue, crossing by skyscrapers and alleyways. The alleys were bombed with a light with it dissapearing not too long after. That's when the noticed an orange flare in the dark blue sky, far more noticeable than the stars displayed. The flare got closer, and the sounds of a roar also could be heard. It was a ship, and it was moving fast. "Track it" said the patrol captain. "Ay, sir. It's heading towards-the capitol building..sir" said one of the soldiers. The captain opened a channel, and told his commanding officer the problem. Not seconds later, a blast could be heard. The channel began to open with more captains reporting the same issue, and the patrols began to conglomerate towards the capitol building. The ship left the building in a blaze at its head. More ships began raining down, and soon enough the military was scrambling to get fighter jets into the air. Out of the crash ships came insurrectionists, who opened fire at patrol squads that neared them. A Montus ship appeared in the sky, almost knocking some skyscrapers down as it released its own ships onto the planet. The fight jets inside the Montus opened fire on the nearby airfield, and C-crafts swarmed the capitol district like angry wasps. The fighting continued for a few more hours before the defense mechanisms finally began to work, but by then, the damage was already done. The air stations and air fields had been obliterated, while the capitol district now swarmed with rebels. The capitol was under the control of the rebels: and with it was the Domi president. Televised, one of the rebels, a Domi, senselessly beat the Domi president, as the president continuously called him a mutt. One could hear the rebel say "One must fall so all may survive! Down with the tyranny! The Saints will show you all the light!" The Bunta President was the next to be found, but cowardly as he is, he had ordered one of his Grozz guards to shoot him before the Saints found him. His body was dragged back to the capitol building, where his rotting corpse was thrown next to the Domi. Finally, the Comu President. He had escaped the district before the Saints could find him, but he was caught shortly after. He was found hiding down in the Undergrounds, currently abandoned. In the complete darkness, and only stuck with his guards, he was found by a militia of angry Domi criminals (who escaped the rule of the Trinity and hid here), who ripped his left arm and right eye out before the Saints came. They were rounded up, while soldiers that were loyal to the Trinity were executed in front of their eyes. The ones who turned over to the Saints and those who were working with the Saints the entire time were relinquished of their duties with the ZE Trinity. What remained of the Trinity was tied together and thrown into the Truth Trials chamber. It was televised, with the Domi president being the last one to bare it before killing himself with a gun loaded in the corner (the gun was given after the Saints had enough footage to show to the galaxy and didn't need to televise anymore of it; it went roughly for 35 hours). After that, many soldiers began to change loyalties to the new CPZ Trinity (Hachi states that in times of civil war, the winning side deserves the loyalty so that it may prosper under a new common goal). Some of the Comu soldiers remained the loyalty, and they were executed to send a message to the rest of the soldiers. [b]Colonies 700+[/b] The CPZ has counter attacked, releasing gult missiles onto the armor of the ships. While Kambune ships released their own heavy plasma weaponry onto the ships, Gunther class ships opened fire with Drughan artillery, using the most powerful metals they know. Allimone ships cloaked themselves, nearing the enemies ships. [b]OP[/b] As the news of the problems at home, the holy relic was rounded and readied to get home when the sight of a new enemy jumped into the fray. The fleet had been warned of these creatures, and took precautions. They tried to sneak their way out of the system, cloaking their Allimone ships (one of them holding the crystal) while the rest of the fleets opened fire on another location. Reyes II remained on his command ship, ready to use the unthinkable if he must.