HoS... are you just following threads I post in? [quote=Lozen] [i]Awwww[/i], I'm sorry to hear that... [/quote] That's the undesireable side-effect of life. -As light cannot exist without a darkness to compare it to, a life worth living cannot be had without first knowing of death and how finite and fragile life is. **Unlimited life has no value, due to no scarcity. To paraphrase Thomas Paine, it is only through the great cost of some things that we can derrive its value, and cherish how precious it is. (Why I dislike the undead) BTW: [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Failure_rate#Additivity]The Lambda symbol (small) also stands for Failure-Rate in engineering applications.[/url] While in the auto-industry it's used to denote the oxygen-sensor (specificly, the air/fuel ratio of combustion). Anyways, it seems Lozen is a merc. Most mercs (even freelancers) have a handler, case-worker, placement-agency, or something like that to do most of the legwork in finding places for them to work even while they are out "earning their pay". -A fast-talking handler would probably be necesary for Lozen, since she probably wouldn't handle being between jobs too well... staying busy is a good way to keep out of trouble... or at least making sure you get paid for it. Likewise, the handler would have to be a tad picky about what missions to accept on Lozen's behalf, as I'm sure picking a pushy cleint would make her a tad pissy. The other job of handlers, ofc, is setting-up safehouses, creating alibies, and forging identification and other 'official' papers as necessary to ensure the safety of their employees. On an unrelated note for passers-by to pass some time waiting for their respective replies: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDpXu4j7ibM]Hey, remember that time I shot you with a tranqualizer-dart?[/url] *Notes he could go-over any of the other 43 characters listed and try for a plot. Yes, even Lydia.