"You're strange, that's why. I never saw someone strange before. So, you must be new from port or somewhere I never been." Elsa theorized and noticed the misuse of his vocal chords. She didn't see that he was sick or something. "You sound weird. Either you're not used to speaking or you have a cold and should go somewhere to rest." She said and taps her chin and shrugs. "I suppose you didn't have to, but I probably would have saw it as volatile and attacked." She answered truthfully and turns suddenly, an arrow at the ready and flying into space as she heard a rustling in the forest, the arrow zooming by her easy posture instantly turning battle ready her head tilting this way and that as she caught the sounds of animal life as they scattered away from fire and the monsters that were drawn to them. Those ones liked flames and were out during the morning as normal. "Who would be so stupid as to have open flames this early in the morning? That [B]attracts[/B] some monsters in these woods. They certainly have a death wish whoever the person is." She said and tsked muttering about the stupidity of some people. She then took the deer and placed it in the stranger's arms. "Would you take this to the butcher? Say the Hunts Woman needs the best cuts and he won't ask too many questions. I would highly appreciate it stranger." She said with a small smile as she rushed into the forest, the wind blowing back her hair uncovering the elfish ears, running to possibly save or scold whoever was responsible for this mess.