[quote=solamelike] I read this then got really interested and so watched the 2 episodes of the anime and now am downloading the manga XD so thanks for introducing this to me .I took it as a given that both guns would shoot varanium bullets :p [/quote] haha, well i'm glad you jumped into the Anime (And are reading the manga). Yah i know, but it's to say that not all guns have that :P you can still use normal bullets, didn't know how much you knew and what not. So tadah, now i know :P haha [quote=RolePlayerRoxas] Okay... just need to decide on whether or not to play a Promoter or Cursed Child. [/quote] Indeed, i could suggest making both. And waiting to see what is needed. That way you have 2 profiles. Then put up the one that is needed when it comes. I'm making A promoter, so plus the already promoter that makes 2. I'll also probably put up an NPC faction for the Gangs and what not (important people only. Not the grunts)