When they arrived she jumped off the back of the bike and took off the helmet, shaking out her hair. Throwing the helmet back to John she smiled and said, "Come on then." She turned and walked into the bar, pushing the door with enough force that it would still be open by the time John got to it. Popular music played and although it had nothing to boast it had everything a bar would need. Though what perhaps was more noticeable was the change in her: she wore an easy smile, gave a small wave to the man serving, the cynicism and harshness melting away. And so the evening began, after eating they took it in turns while ordering rounds but neither drank to excess. He beat her at a game of pool but she got her own back at darts. The sun fell from the sky and was replaced by the moon and the odd star battling to be seen through the bright city lights. At a time that was probably too late they left and parted, him driving off on his bike and her disappearing off to wherever it was that she did live. The [b]morning after[/b] Kat woke and sat up, looking outside and silently playing with her hair. She eventually stood and padded off to the bathroom to begin preparing for another day at the mad house.