She blinked at him, no answer came from her question. She kind of felt puzzled, what was wrong with him. She looked away and then looked around for directions, she could smell... Her eyes widened and she squealed. "I smell human food!" Her eyes glistened all she could think about was apples. She just wanted apples, apples, apples. She was so excited. She didn't know if Toby was still with her as she ran for the kitchen, looking around for where the fruit would be. She barged in to the kitchen and looked around until she found a fruit basket. She found a large red apple, and her mouth dropped in awe. Her took a big bite out of it, her eyes glazed over as she enjoyed the taste. She loved apples, well it was the only human food she had ever tried so she didn't really have a choice to not love apples. She continued to munch happily on it and decided to carry one around for Leo, he loved apples as well. He said it was like a juicy seed to him. She giggled as she tucked it away and continued to munch on the apples, wondering if Toby followed or not.