Sarah's ebony lips opened wide as she stared in slack jawed shock. They'd done it. More importantly she'd done it. She couldn't believe she hit Ororo and right where she aimed. While she'd been practicing at being a ninja and using her powers to hurl all sorts of things she still was a horrible, horrible shot. This was an unprecedented success. Then John brought her low with a thrust column of earth. "Boo-Yah!" Sarah Covenry exclaimed as Ororo went down and pumped her fists in the air, "Did you see that? Did you! I brought that bitch down! I am the fucking bomb!" Darkshadow couldn't resist, hopping up and down and performing a victory dance. Normally she was the one that screwed everything up. She'd barely passed her entrance examination that got her onto the rookie team, scraped by and probably left some paint on the examination room door.. This time, however, she was the bang on. Sure it was John that delivered the final blow but it was her, when nobody else could get an attack through Storm's defenses that managed to score a hit, despite the gale force winds and the striking lightning, she'd managed to strike a target the size of her palm. Hopping as much as she was walking, her bosom bouncing with each victory leap Darkshadow made her way to Ororo. Ignoring Mantle's presence she stepped forward and planted her foot on Storm's chest, directly between Storm's breasts, crafted a small shield out of shadow and a gladius sword straight out of ancient Rome's gladiatorial arenas. ""Yeah beeeeyatches!" she added, lifting her sword to the heavens, azure eyes searching our her companions in what she saw was her moment of triumph, "I so fucking rock!"