[b][u]Zeon Remnants (Marie faction) Pazock Class Supply Ship[/b][/u] “All mobile suits, launch! “We’re beginning the operation! “Doesn’t matter if it’s a trap or not… We’re still gonna sink that cruiser! If the brat gets in the way again… don’t hold back! Understand?” “Yes!” The chorus of soldiers yelled back at their leader's words. Marie led from the front in her Gelgoog followed by Akira, with a multitude of F2 Type Zakus and Rick Doms launching from the Pazock in preparation for battle. [u][b]Aboard Salamis Class Battleship[/b][/u] The peace and quiet aboard the bridge was broken as an operator brought a suspicious shuttle up on screen. “Unidentified Objects incoming!” “Looks like a Federation Space launch, but I can’t get an ID!” “Do we have confirmation?” “No sir! We can’t establish radio contact!” “Have one the instructors check, put other pilots on alert” [b][u]Outside Cluster 26[/b][/u] “This is Yahagi, I’m moving in to confirm.” Yahagi broke off from the patrol squad before activating thrusters to slow his approach. “It’s a launch. I’m moving in closer.” A certain pilot felt a flash of emotions wash over them as the shuttle detonated upon Yahagi’s approach. If he had moved faster in his inspection he would have been caught in the blast as well. “We’re reading an explosion!” The operator shouts out to the commander as the shuttle goes up in flames. “Where’s Yahagi!? Is his suit still operational?” The commander yelled out in disbelief he was having to deal with this twice in as many days. “We’re trying to confirm now sir! Communications are failing!” “Particle density increasing! We’re losing communications!” “Raise the alert level! All ships be vigilant! Contact the GMs on patrol! All hands to battle stations!” A GM nearby received the alert and began to acknowledge the message, “This is Petri One. Heading over to the training area-” The message is abruptly cut off as a beam slices through the mobile suit killing the pilot instantly. “Incoming fire from above! There’s more of them!” A hail of fire rains down on a nearby Salamis, striking the bridge and engines before it’s consumed in the subsequent explosion. The operator quickly shouted an update on the situation, “Salamis 2 destroyed!” The commander worriedly whispers to Forma behind his shoulder, “They’re not really going to attack us are they?” “That was the deal, but we’d better not make any assumptions when it comes to them” Forma quietly shot back, hoping the others didn’t hear. “We’ve already lost two GMs!” “Haven’t you figured out who’s shooting at us yet?!” “We’ve confirmed the enemy! They’re coming in fast above us!” Marie’s troops accelerated towards the battleships while three GMs moved to intercept. “Hah! Where are you aiming?!” Marie taunted effortlessly dodging their fire. Marie raised her naginata preparing to cut them down once she was in range. “Thomas! Francis! Cover me!” Yahagi remained at his current location still attempting to contact the Salamis. “This is Yahagi. What’s going on?” Yahagi could just about make out the operator appearing on his screen due to the minovsky interference. “We’ve engaged the enemy. You’ll have to wait for recovery.” Yahagi’s brow furrowed at the instructions given. He was basically stranded while the battleships were under attack from rogue pirates. [b][u]Inside Cluster 26[/b][/u] “Yes, what is it” Meyer was annoyed that one of the fighter pilots was calling him while he was on break. The Culture Club had remained at the embassy until the UN director had approved them to leave for the final leg of the journey. “A battle’s broken out near the debris field, all hands have been put on alert” Meyer quickly started paying more attention upon hearing that an attack had begun. “Is it the pirate’s from yesterday? I’m on my way” “Is there a problem Lieutenant?” Meyer looked back to see the professor standing behind him leaning against the wall. “Those pirates are back, I’m going to head out and assist them. Have the club members stay here for now.” “Yes, I will go find them right now.” ‘They’ve come back and from the sound of it in greater force than before. I need to hurry if I’m going to bring them down this time!’