Name: Yoichi Tatsuya Appearance: [url=]"Ahh~ Now that isn't allowed, is it?"[/url] Age: 18 Primary ability: The ability to summon Chains (They are essentially creatures that feed off of negative emotions. They form conteracts with humans to survive in the world.) from an area called The Abyss. (Please don't kill me for making that reference) Preferred magic: Blood magic. Personality: Yoichi is usually someone who is carefree, never really serious about anything he says with a smile almost always on his face. Not many people have seen him serious, as he keeps that side of him under close watch. He used to be the complete opposite to how he is now, someone who would stay alone and bite at anyone who tried to get near to him. No one really knows what made him change, as he tells no one of that person who changed his life. History: Yoichi doesn't remember much about his family, because he had been found in a garden to a noble house, covered in cuts and bruises. He had been taken in as a servant, most of his wounds treated by the doctor. The maids had spread rumours around about him, obviously lies, but since his past memories had been wiped, no one knew for sure. He had spent most of his time in an empty room, the only thing there being a pocket watch and a large window. Whenever someone approached him to ask what he was doing, he would shoo them away. That day he met the one pedson who changed his life. He slowly opened up and learned to socialize with others thanks to that person, although he never did catch their name. He can't even remember their face now, which he regretted. That was around the time they noticed Chains start to crowd around. He was accused of summoning them, which he for once didn't do, so he was sent to the Disney Institute of Magical Training to learn to control what Chains appeared, since once a large, powerful Chain had destroyed most of the first floor. Major: He doesn't really have a set major, since he's a bit of a 'all-rounder'. Extracurricular Activities: He plays the piano privately and ever so often tends to cook. Miscellaneous: He has a habit of scratching the side of his neck when he feels scared/worried. He also has a pocket watch that plays a melody called Lacie, although not many people have heard him play the peice.