[b]Peace Talks[/b] "It wasn't just us, all the Federation species helped make this peace a reality. Without any one of us, the whole thing would have never happened. The Dolphins chose the perfect planet, the Abh insisted that we be diplomatic abut it, and us humans... I suppose without us the Abh wouldn't exist and the Dolphins would be stuck on Terra." Said Fergus "I have always believed that those different from us can teach us better than any of our own, and perhaps we have reached the point where we can teach a single lesson: Combining differences can create unparalleled strength." The Dolphin Leading One and Abh Empress nodded, while the humans transmitted a burst of energy between their neural transmitters. "The Allied Interstellar Federation will abide by such a law, and we agree that it is needed." Said Emily. After listening to the proposals put forth, she responded. "Eugenics without killing is perfectly acceptable to us, so long as those sterilized are permitted to adopt. For some reason, most people feel the need to have a child. I agree with the Triarian statements on slavery fully. The Federation would like to propose that religious tolerance be enforced as well, and that warfare over religious beliefs be prohibited." While all this was happening, Fergus heard a voice in his head. Similar to the neural transmitter, but just slightly different. [i]Hang in there, we're almost ready[/i] [b]Hach Evacuation[/b] Shocked, the Dolphin quickly began to move up and down, creating ripples to appear on the interface board. A message was sent out from the Dolphin ship, reaching all the other ships of the Federation. Audio clips could be heard outside the tank. "Are you sure? Not teleportation?" The Dolphin made more movements, and there was a longer delay. "That's not technology, do exactly as they say. There should be committee for this stuff." The Dolphin made a final series of movements, shorter than all the others. The response couldn't be heard, but the Dolphin soon spoke through the translator. "The fleet is on its way... um... would asking which god you are be considered offensive?"