[quote=CidTheKid] Organic Neural Processors are not good for extended periods of processing-intensive tasks, and require regular periods of downtime to prevent deterioration of the internal connections and maintain full processing potential, or failing that, proper supply of chemical stimulants.Should you not comply with these standards, warranty on your MK1 Human Being will be considered void, and you will not be entitled for a refund should your MK1 Human Being become unusable due to a corrupt memory system.We wish you the best of luck, and happy computing~~ [/quote] Does not compute. [quote=mbl] When you say you've been doing homework for more time time straight than I generally spend awake in a day, I assume you're fibbing, failing, or pushing yourself way too hard. [/quote] Or I left all of my coursework until the last minute. >_> try doing a year's worth of work in a day, see how long it takes you.