[u]Doctor and Summer[/u] From the 1x1 RP "Doctor Who: Multi-Dimensional" with Genkai [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/3921/posts/ic] [hider=Summer Mya Fox] [img=http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ly4y0mbBjq1rnxkm4o1_500.jpg] Age: 24 Personality: Very curious. Somewhat quiet. Loves seeing new things and taking pictures of them. Has a sense of wonder around nature but not a big fan of a lot of people. Might seem a bit slow. However, that would very incorrect as she does have a very intelligent mind and notices a lot more than she might let on. Bio: Summer grew up around Dover. However, after her parents died, she moved to London to finish her education. Earning a degree in photography, she currently takes pictures for the newspaper to pay the rent. She loves to take landscape photos and will shoot them whenever possible. Though she will shoot people, she only does so if it adds to the landscape (not counting her job of course). Not much of a crowds-kind-of-girl she prefers a quiet little shop over a crowded mall. Though she is not necessary a loner she does like to keep her mates to a few. With that said, she has grown accustomed to being around people as she is in London and does work as a photographer. In addition to photography, she enjoys kickboxing and traveling. [/hider] [hider=The Doctor] [img=http://airlockalpha.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/pe_image/storygraphic/eccleston01212013.jpg] Bio: The Doctor is an alien from the planet Gallifrey. His people, the Time Lords, had fought a horrible war with the Daleks - the arch nemesis of the Time Lords. Now, the only surviving Time Lord, The Doctor travels around the universe doing what he does best: Fighting aliens and saving people. His favorite planet is earth. Though sometimes he thinks humans are very stupid, he does have a fondness for them that has him coming back to earth time and time again. Because of the war and his part in it, The Doctor is very angry and somewhat callous to the world. Using his TARDIS, he flies through space and time always on the run. He is a lonely traveler, the last of his kind. Personality: Bitter, angry and very sarcastic. He likes to cover his anger in sarcasm or jokes. However, he gets annoyed with slip-ups and though he admires humans he thinks they are all big apes. [/hider] --- [hider=Plots] Nine/Jen 1. Berlin 2. Dalek 3. Empty Child/Doctor Dances (Current) 4. Beast Below 5. 42 6. Cybermen crossover 7. Dalek 8. A Town Called Mercy Ten/Summer 1. Christmas 2. Shakespeare 3. Midnight (Current) 4. Blink 5. 42 6. Cybermen crossover 7. Fear Her 8. Vincent and the Doctor [/hider]