Lucy, heading to bed now, but I think that Rygar's would be a good one to speak next, if no one else steps up, since he prolly had the most lost during the test. I know the collab's not done yet, but you could post it as a flashback later on if you want, like when the team's remembering stuff before sleeping. Panic Jolt, we should prolly work on one too...though I hope I'd have the time to help with it. >~< Naomi's been in the fight, she runs off to her team afterward, but before activating her Watchface and completing the team. Magic Storm, we prolly gotta do the same, could maybe still use that pad, if it's up. Ugh, if I can't be on in a timely manner, feel free to godmod Morella (And Naomi, for PJ) for the collab, if I see anything I can't live with, I'll change it or something. :P Though you guys'll prolly have to start it, dunno when I'll have time to properly use a comp 'tween real work and house work. >~< Again, very sorry work stuff got in the way. I've half a mind to try and write IC posts during break and lunch, though I dunno how well I'd do on my phone for 15, 30, and 15 min while trying to scarf down food, dunno how well that'd work. >~<