[hider=Appearance][img]http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5219/5413983746_f83af918ea_s.jpg[/img][/hider] Name IRL: Shakuntala Name In-game:Suki Gender: female Class:beast tamer, and fighter [hider=beast][img]http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n54/Kaloray/anime%20animals/horses-unicorns-winged%20horses/snow_leopard.png[/img][/hider] Stats Strength: 12 Dexterity:18 Speed: 18 Defense:16 Endurance:19 intellect:17 Weapon:[img]http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41GQJSyR8QL._SL500_AA300_.jpg[/img] [img]http://cosplaywho.com/media/wysiwyg/sao-silica-dagger-replica-1.jpg[/img] Amour class: medium Any back up skills: [hider=back up skills]cooking equipment appraisal medicine mixing familiar recovery familiar communication Searching Tracking listening detection hiding sprint This is where I got the skills from http://swordartonline.wikia.com/wiki/Skills[/hider] Bio:Shakuntala was born in a farmers family, the youngest of seven. Her mother died shortly after birthing her from complications, and Shakuntala led a sheltered life. Her six elder brothers protected her, even while they helped her in the world. She learned to fight with basic hand to hand skills, loved computer games and sports thanks to their influence, enjoyed working on the farm, and with the animals. She is a tough as nails type of girl, and tends to always get her way. She is easy going, laughing a lot, and tends to make people feel better around her.