The Control at this point was pretty much gone as the professor and the Shadow King went at each other. Xavier soon said “Looks like you lose this time Shadow King, now we finish this.” The Shadow King seemed a little worried as he soon said “I won’t go down, not yet” as the two clashed a few more times. There was going to be a final clash as the two headed towards each other but near the last few moments the Shadow King pulled away in an attempt to escape which bore fruits for him as he had managed to get out of the professors grasp. Xavier looked out to see if the Shadow King was hiding before realizing he was nowhere in sight. Out on the battlefield the Shadow King came into view in front of all the mutants there. The king grinned evilly as he shouted “Surprise little kids, I was not beaten by Xavier. NOW WHO SHOULD I TAKE.” He scanned each member quickly; Plasma caught his attention though she was hurt at the moment so she was no use at the moment. The mutant known as John was also one to take over as well. “HOW ABOUT YOU BLUE FUZZ BALL?……. No maybe you little GIRL?” He was referring to X-23 at this point. “Decisions, Decisions.” He eventually picked up on Darkshadow making him laugh a little “Mahmahamahmah” The Professor soon informs the group of the Shadow Kings plans. “My students, listen to me. The Shadow King is planning on taking over a new host. Prevent him from doing so in any way possible. Make sure to protect yourselves as well. Plasma was aware as she saw the big beast of shadows, she did not move to much as she watched him point out to Darkshadow like he was attracted to her. She watched him approached Darkshadow like he was going to court her and make her his like he did to Ororo before her. The professor was on standby for the worst; he was sure the Shadow King would defeat the students and get his new body. “COME HERE MY LITTLE DARKSHADOW…….”