[quote]lel myspace[/quote] It's retrofuturistic. [quote]>makes an autoplay...[/quote] Demon from Hell doesn't cover this. Maybe ambitious cultist achiever of Azathoth. [quote=Dervish] I wasn't even aware music players were a thing on old guild."Omg this is totally my theme song, it's like it was written about me until I find one edgier. <3 <3"Fucking gag. [/quote] :lol Like the Posting History comment(I've significantly improved in my character and writing since that 20th post ago you can't see anymore, really), the Music Player thing was a joke. I don't think we had those. Much to our luck. I [i]did[/i] go to an old RP forum that added them, though. That was fucking horrible. Best part: Jumping to a page and my computer unexpectedly screaming its death rattle. You don't actively think about the volume button until you go to places with auto-background music and video ads. Good thing I didn't go there when I was at a library.