"The winner is Alexander Nyne," Gero's voice declared over the speakers. "As a result, you shall proceed to the second round, Mr. Nyne. The time for the second duel has arrived. Gao Hikari and Cybell Yvenstar, it is time to step up to the stage." ------------ [i]That looked more like a massacre than a duel,[/i] Alex commented in her head. It was pretty much over once it got started, and between Bountr Kenshin's constant commentary and her telilng him to stop thinking aloud, she missed pretty much the entire duel. Crying shame; she would have liked to know just what she could have been dealing with in the finals. To compensate, she resolved to pay extra-close attention to the next duel; Gao Hikari vs. Cybell Yvenstar. The latter sounded vaguely familiar, but she was unsure of how. Gao, on the other hand, rang no bells whatsoever. Opening up her deck's box, Alex took another look at her most important cards. Why couldn't Bountr Swordswoman be her spirit partner? -------------- [i]SKREEEEEEEEEEEE![/i] Summer's Duel Runner braked hard in the stadium's parking lot, and the duelist herself - followed by an Alien Gray who had trouble keeping up with his flimsy legs - rushed into the building. She wanted to get here in time for the first duel. She arrived just in time to hear a man's voice declare a winner. For all of two seconds, she was afraid she'd already lost by default. Summer felt much better when she saw the screens overhead, crossing out some other name she was unfamiliar with instead of her own. By the looks of things, she would have still had some time yet to arrive. So she had no clue what kind of deck this Alexander Nyne used. That kind of sucked. Not that it mattered; winning this tournament would just be a means to an end for Summer. ---------------- "His technique is powerful," Alice quietly said to herself. "How does one counter a fast-moving deck with such raw power. My deck often requires at least one spare turn to set up, so..." Alice didn't like the way things looked. But she only needed to reach the semifinals, so it was quite alright. She didn't mind losing as long as she reached her goal. Taking a look at the screens, the next duel was Gao Hikari versus Cybell Yvenstar. She had no clue who either of those people were.