Aya turned to look at John as he dressed Storm's wounds. The boy was really ruining her fun, but unfortunately he had a point. "Meh, whatevs. Imma go see how Ms. Kinney's fairing" she said, turning away from Sarah and heading towards Laura. Or rather she would but she hadn't taken five steps before she heard something that sent chills down her spine. Quickly turning back, she was more than surprised to see the Shadow King himself standing there. To be honest, she had completely forgotten about him. And that was a grave error. He took his time taunting them a bit, before turning his sights onto Sarah. Before she could think about the logistics of her idiotic move, Discharge pushed Darkshadow away from the... the... thing in front of her (to be honest, I have no idea how to describe this guy). "Goddamn, you are one ugly motherfucker" (Well... I suppose that's one way) Aya said, before blasting it with as much electricity as she could manage. Although, she was pretty sure it wouldn't do jack-shit.