A man in dark clothing and a hat that shadowed his face appears on the bottom of the step of the DWMA. This man was not a good man in any means of the word. His heart had turned to steel a long time ago, leaving his troubled mind to carve his personality out of the stone that was his past. He had a past that was not for the feint of heart, and many shun him for what he is. This man's name was Alexander Vanzrix. A mix between weapon and witch, he was quite a foe in combat indeed, but here he was not interested in combat. Here he came to find acceptance. Maybe the DWMA would understand. He starts up the steps, the large amount not bothering him. Eventually he makes it to the top, and looks around. He wanders around, not caring that he has no doubt been noticed. Unlike full witches he cannot disguise his soul. He could handle himself though. Eventually he finds himself where the new meisters and weapons are, and just stays at the edge of the group of teenagers, not saying anything for now. From the looks of it strange things were going on. There was some girl wrapped in enough clothing to make a tent, a boy with green hair? And there was also a huge syringe. He couldn't help but smirk at the scenery.