[center] TAPIOCO How dare this human think he can order him around??? 'Sit still' he ordered. Well, he was sitting still right now, but it was ONLY because he wanted to, and because it was easier to eat the food offering from the human. NOT because he would listen to a mere mortal. The humans were all talking in their primitive language and Tapioco inwardly cursed that he did not have enough power to cast a translation spell. Unlike his sister, he never bothered to learn any human languages, and Tapioco was really regretting that now because it was difficult to comprehend what they were saying and he could understand only a few words like "sit". What was he, a mere dog?! The thought infuriated him. But he could read facial expressions at least, and while the two humans he could care less about were looking at him with some sort of urgency, [i]his[/i] human had flashed him a happy smile and offered him more bread. Yes, Tapioco had obviously chosen the best possible servant. AKIZA "Ah, alright..."she mumbled warily, slightly fearful of the vicious duck. During her time as a hobo she had encountered ducks near the lake and despite how cute they looked at first. those things had terrifying teeth. To be honest, she would rather eat the duck rather than help it, but Akiza didn't want to offend her new landlords. While Daisuke distracted the duck with food, Akiza slowly grabbed the sides of the duck. Sadly, the duck noticed, and immediately tried to bite her with it's bill. "Eep!"she squeaked, pulling back her hands from the bird. It was snapping at her and Akiza frowned, hesitant to try again but she was determined to be useful. Ignoring the duck's glare, Akiza reached out again and tried holding him down. The duck tried attacking her again, but it couldn't move out of her and Daisuke's grasps, which she hoped would help Shou treat it. [/center]