[img=http://37.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ly1m71YOdk1r75y6oo1_500.jpg] [i]”What’s the point of doing all this if you can’t have fun?”[/i] [b]Name:[/b] Felix Lee [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Personality:[/b] Felix is a fun-loving thrill seeker that views being a Fae as an exciting adventure. He finds combat to be enjoyable for the adrenaline it brings, and thrives on challenges, deriving happiness from conquering difficult tasks. He also possesses slight kleptomaniacal tendencies, and enjoys stealing for both the challenge of it and because he gets a kick out of the possibility of being discovered. [b]Skills:[/b] -Stealth -Fishing -Cooking [b]Likes:[/b] -Fighting -Stealing -Puns -Spicy foods [b]Dislikes:[/b] -People that are too serious -Property rights -Sweet foods [b]History:[/b] Felix was born in the relatively modern town of Al’Ket in the Regana'Hier pod. He is a first-generation Fae, having applied to the ranks of Daedalus as a young child out of a desire for adventure. His test results were good enough that he received a pair of wings soon after he was accepted into Daedalus, and he acclimated to them quickly, reaching stage three in just under a year. Felix performed well in field missions, having a natural disposition to combat and skill in stealth. However, those skills in stealth also hindered him off the battlefield when a yearly review revealed that many of his teammates had reported missing personal effects stolen from their rooms. As the only one who hadn’t reported missing items, Felix was the top suspect. He was never caught thieving, and no concrete evidence was shown, but the stigma stuck with him and he was eventually reassigned to the sleepy town of Era'Thet by a disgruntled officer whose office Felix had broken into. [center][u]Artificial Wings[/u][/center] [b]Name:[/b] The Shadow [b]Stage:[/b] III [b]Description/Image:[/b] Felix’s wings manifest as dark grey, sleek, and futuristic armor around his torso. His arms and legs are coated in the same metal that his armor is composed of to provide lightweight protection for his limbs. The wings’ weapon is a pair of clawed metal gauntlets made of the same material that the armor is. [b]Ability:[/b] Felix is capable of manifesting a shadowy double of himself that he can command at will. The shadow is outfitted with the same weapons as Felix and is capable of touching objects and affecting the world around it. The shadow is capable of doing physical damage with its weapons, but it can also take damage, which is then immediately dealt to Felix’s actual body. The shadow can only stay manifested if it is within a twenty meter radius of its creator. If it leaves that radius, the shadow dissipates and must be manifested again by its creator. [youtube]oJy-SRQZHcs[/youtube]