[center] Name: Lianna Nick Name: N/A Age: 10 Occupation: N/A Model : N/A Partner: N/A Personality : Lianna's a recluse, by definition and by her actions, she prefers to stay hidden within the ruins instead of venturing out. She keeps to herself, only getting involved with other Cursed Children or Humans if absolutely necessary. She's keeps her mouth shut, as if she couldn't speak, preferring to get her point across with her actions. When threatened she'll usually stand up to whom or whatever is in her way, be it with physical violence or lewd gestures of the hand, Lianna is rather rude to tell you the truth. She's also very stubborn when it comes to opening up to anyone, as would any child who'd been abandoned because of their horrible dice roll of life. She's quick to anger and hard to quell, flaring up at anyone who dared touch her. [/center] [center] Description:[/center] [hider=Lianna][img=http://safebooru.org//images/1170/a37b0677bdce1ed65dbcd49142075e3648c9eff0.png?1219342][/hider] [center]Lianna's long blondish hair is scuffed with dirt and kinks, as well as having numerous knots throughout all of it. She has a few scars scattered across her body, one just under her hairline, another down her left upper arm and others on her chest and legs. Her eyes are lightly hued red and her skin peach-pale, she's 4'2" and 68.2 pounds, under average for her age in both height and weight. She wears an old, dirty and ragged black and red school girl uniform and walks around in her bare feet rather than uncomfortable shoes. [/center] [center] History : Lianna's memory only goes back to about age six, she doesn't remember anything before that. A tell-tale scar on her forehead could be a possible explanation, anyway, she only has memories of scavenging out in the ruins of some portion of Tokyo. One of the ruined areas that had been abandoned in disarray, where a few of the Cursed tend to call home, that's where she's always remembered being. She's had only one or two run ins with violent humans, not that they directly attacked her, but other Children. Lianna had watched from afar, her blood boiling, yet she'd done nothing to stop them, until recently however. She'd lived in the ruins rather peacefully, finding whatever she needed to survive in the area. Humans had always kept out of the ruins though a while ago a group of men, somewhat armed started combing through the abandoned ruins. They were gathering up the Cursed and pitting them against one another other in some sick version of a human child dog fight. They got them to fight by rewarding them food if they slaughtered the other, the men would bet on a child as if she were nothing but an animal, and win money depending on the outcome of the fight. It sickened Lianna, she'd watched as vile bastards kicked and beat her fellow children, like some beast that deserved death. She'd watched it happen, but that's just it, she felt she needed to stop it but she didn't each time. What happened after she finally stood up for herself and her kind left her beaten and broken. She'd barely escaped the fight she'd started, they were looking for her and if they found her she probably wouldn't get a chance to fight for them, so she left. The only place to go was into Tokyo's thriving streets, instead of the abandoned ruins around her. She only traveled at night, sleeping in dark alleyways during the day, sometimes just sitting there in the darkness, listening to the city continue on with her. Lianna knew her time hidden in the open would soon end, and when it did, she hoped for the best. Weapons : N/A [/center]