Alexander lifts his head, and says "And women stab you in the back when it best suits them. They cheat and lie to get what they want. And then blame it all on men when they get caught in the act." He cracks his neck a little by jerking his head to the side, and steps foreward a little. "Men are not the only ones responsible for hate. Yes, they do sow it. But women do too. Everyone does. Thus is the way of the world. Or so I have learned." He towered over everyone there, and looked menacing. But he tried his best not to, atleast. didn't work to well. "Men do manipulate women, but women can do the same to men quite easily. Thanks to that, I was born as something hated." small metallic spikes start to show on his knuckles, but it wasn't too noticeable. Yet. He clenches his fists a little as memories swarm into his head. Rejection and Loathing. He shakes his head, and the small spikes recede. "So don't blame the evils of humans on men alone." George returns with Wilson trailing behind him, and observes the area once more. A man in dark clothing had arrived since they left, and was a monster of a man. A whole five inches taller than he. Wilson cowers from him a little behind George. He seemed... familiar somehow. He removed the thought from his head. No, he didn't know this man. He had never seen him before.