X pulled herself up from the dirt just in time to watch Storm get taken down. The tiniest fractal of a smile formed on her typically stern lips as she retracted her claws and stood. They'd done it, the team had pulled it off. Without the storm whipping around unbearably in her ears, she could finally hear her team without the need of a comm device, even if she'd been whipped...what appeared to be...a good thirty yards away. She hardly remembered the fall, but that didn't matter. But...of course, the moment of pride shimmered into nothingness as soon as the egos opened their mouths. Not that the women were completely serious, but perhaps they should've been. They were standing over a fallen teammate in a strange countryside that was covered in mud and debris. The air shifted, X sniffed at it and extended her claws once more out of habit. Not that they'd actually do much against a mostly formless enemy. She hoped and feared being chosen at the same time, it froze her for just an instant thinking that...within her mind she may have been able to trap him. So much damage had been done and undone, the scar tissue in her memories was as good as a shield, but...well, she could have easily killed every one of them. They wouldn't be arguing with each other then. X noted to chastise herself later for being sardonic at a time such as this. Being cut off from the team brought a sudden rush of apprehension, she couldn't do that much from the other side of the battle field. With claws or otherwise, what they needed was a powerful psychic and, of that, they were precariously short. Save for the Professor, of course...What a damned mess, this shouldn't have been left to the kids. She wondered if...perhaps...Darkshadow could manipulate his entire form? X wasn't entirely sure and if the idea didn't come to the girl she would be absolutely floored. Useless to concentrate on that for now, what else could she do? Charge it? Laura was desperately, frustratingly in need of an enemy she could sink her claws into.